Published Oct 16, 2011


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Juan Carlos Corrales-Muñoz, PhD

Luis Javier Suárez-Meza, BSc

Luis Antonio Rojas-Potosí, BSc



The search for improvements in the ability to deliver services that meet user requests has led to the development of numerous projects aimed at service discovery, which is an important stage in the composition process. This discovery has required adaptations aimed at finding suitable devices for accessing services and increasing its capacity. This has led to advances toward the concept of ubiquitous computing. This paper presents a mechanism which uses the concepts of user preferences, device specifications, and delivery context, in order to assist the discovery of services in ubiquitous environments. The proposed discovery mechanism works based on BPEL processes, which represents the services available in the ubiquitous network. They are abstracted to a formal representation of Graphs in order to move the BPEL files matching problem towards Graphs matching. This makes it posible to obtain an approximate matching in the absence of a service that totally matches user requirements.


Ubiquitous computing, services for the users of information, information usersComputación ubicua, servicios a usuarios de información, usuarios de información

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How to Cite
Corrales-Muñoz, J. C., Suárez-Meza, L. J., & Rojas-Potosí, L. A. (2011). Service discovery platform for ubiquitous computing environments based on user preferences, device specifications and delivery context. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 15(2).

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