Semantic enrichment and inference of relationships in an online social network
The relationships among users in an online social network helps to build a graph that represents the structure. In turn, the semantic enrichment of connections between users provides a higher level of meaning to these relationships, which is an advantage when modeling the internal behavior of a social network. Several researches argue that the use of ontologies in the modeling of social networks, makes that the inference of information on the relationship between users is not inconsistent. However, several authors do not consider the various types of relationships implicitly present in an online social networking. So, in order to overcome the problems posed, in this article we propose a tool that aims to generate a representation of an online social network taking into account the semantic enrichment and the inference of new relationships between users. The prototype assessment made reveals satisfactory results with respect to the inference of new relationships and the accuracy of the associated recommendation system, in this way, it is possible to get a closer representation to the reality of the existing connections in an online social networking.
Relationships, enrichment, semantic, inference, networking, socialRelaciones, enriquecimiento, semántica, inferencia, red, social
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