Published Feb 27, 2021

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María Isabel Fajardo Gómez

Patricia Giraldo López

Luis Alberto Montoya Baena

María del Pilar Ribero Trujillo

María Cristina Gaitán Miranda

Jorge Enrique Delgado Troncoso



BACKGROUND: Transportation is one of the problems the Dentist faces in the daily practice, when preparing the root canal, specially if it is curved. There are few studies about the transportation produced in the canal when using rotational systems, like Kavo 29CH®. OBJECTIVE: To observe the transportation produced in the root canals of acrylic cubes prepared with the rotational system Kavo 29CH®. METHODS: This was a descriptive in vitro study. The sample consisted of twenty acrylic cubes (Maillefer®) that simulate the root canals. The cubes were prepared by using the rotational instrument Kavo 29CH® with stainless steel first series Flexofiles (Maillefer®). The speed of preparation was constant and the preparation technique was recapitulation. Digital pictures of the cubes were taken before and after preparation was done. Both images of every specimen were superimposed by using the PhotoShop 6 software and then the transportation was analyzed. Four different types of aberrations were observed: zipping, elbow, step, and perforation. RESULTS: Zip and elbow were the most common transportation types found (65%). Steps were observed in 30% of cases, while any perforation was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the rotational instrument Kavo 29CH® causes different transportation types when being used with stainless steel files in acrylic cubes.


transportación, sistema rotatorio, zip, acodamiento, escalón, perforación, endodoncia, odontologíatransportation, rotational system, zip, elbow, step, perforation, endodontics, dentistry

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How to Cite
Fajardo Gómez, M. I., Giraldo López, P., Montoya Baena, L. A., Ribero Trujillo, M. del P., Gaitán Miranda, M. C., & Delgado Troncoso, J. E. (2021). Transportation of root canals prepared with the recapitulation technique using rotatory instrument Kavo 29CH. Universitas Odontologica, 24(54-55), 11–14. Retrieved from
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