Published Feb 27, 2021

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Paula Marcela Castañeda Castillo

Natalia Correa González

Dina Alejandra Jiménez Mora

Gloria Cristina Moreno Abello

Hernando Vanegas Moreno



BACKGROUND: In Colombia, there is a need of analyzing bite prints, due to the increasing of personal lesions involving that kind of evidence. However, this analysis is controversial, as bite prints are so subtle that could be ignored. There are different opinions and a lack of evidence about the dental features of the Colombian mestizo population. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the significant dental features of the bite print lesions regarding gender and age, in order to determine if they give a strong evidence to solve forensic cases. METHODS: The design of the study was observational. People older than 15 years of age were included in the sample, and those with orthodontic appliances and/or anterior dental prosthesis were excluded. The variables studied were superior and inferior arch form, intercanine distance, mesodistal dental diameter (inmillimeters), dental absence, dentalmalpositions, diastemas, fractures, erosions, age and gender. Dental casts were taken. Data were analyzed through non-parametric variance and theFischer’s test (p=0.05). RESULTS: When related to the gender, the next variables were statistically significant: superior and inferior mesodistal canine diameter, superior intercanine distance,incisal erosion and incisal fracture of tooth 22. None feature was statistically significant when related to age. CONCLUSIONS: Bite prints are notreliable to solve forensic cases, and still are controversial.


mordedura, huella de mordedura, dientes, morfología dental, evidencia, odontología forense, antropología forensebite, bite prints, teeth, dental morphology, evidence, forensic anthropology, forensic dentistry

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How to Cite
Castañeda Castillo, P. M., Correa González, N., Jiménez Mora, D. A., Moreno Abello, G. C., & Vanegas Moreno, H. (2021). Significant individual dental features in the study of the bite print lesion regarding gender and age. Universitas Odontologica, 24(54-55), 88–95. Retrieved from
Legal and Forensic Dentistry

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