Published Jun 28, 2016


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Silvia Elena Aragón Matamoros

Tomás Alberto Guindos Moya

Yanina Meza González

Diana Morales Herrera

María Alejandra Perera Díaz

Adriana Rodríguez Ciódaro

Hugo Diez Ortega

Catalina Méndez De la Espriella



ABSTRACT. Background: The root canal filling technique named Hybrid-Mixed Condensation, combines the advantages of cold lateral and warm vertical condensation. The ability of avoiding microbial microleakage has not been proven. Purpose: To evaluate the differences of microbial microleakage using Enterococcus faecalis, in canals obturated with five different techniques: lateral, warm vertical, WaveOne® single cone, Guttacore®, and Hybrid-mixed condensation. Methods: 50 single-rooted human premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons were biomechanical prepared with primary file of WaveOne® system. Teeth were divided into 5 groups using different obturation techniques: single cone with WaveOne® Primary, lateral condensation using 2 % gutta-percha cones, Guttacore® 30, warm vertical condensation using down packing in a WaveOne® Primary cone and backfill with alpha gutapercha of Beefill®, and the hybrid mixed condensation modifying the lateral condensation with heat and a backfill using Beefill®. Enterococcus faecalis was inoculated in the coronal third and apices were immersed in brain heart infusion broth with phenol red incubated at 37 °C for 12 weeks. Microfiltration was determined with color change and turbidity of the medium. Specimens were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: Only 11 teeth (22 %) were positive for leakage. 46 % with single cone, 30 % with Guttacore®, 20 % with lateral condensation, 10 % with warm vertical condensation and no microleakage was found for Hybrid-Mixed Technique over the period of 12 weeks of study. Conclusion: Hybrid Mixed Technique showed to be the most efficient technique to get three-dimensional seal and prevent microbial contamination of canals in the endodontic therapy.

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How to Cite
Aragón Matamoros, S. E., Guindos Moya, T. A., Meza González, Y., Morales Herrera, D., Perera Díaz, M. A., Rodríguez Ciódaro, A., Diez Ortega, H., & Méndez De la Espriella, C. (2016). In Vitro Evaluation of Enterococcus faecalis Microleakage Using Five Obturation Techniques. Universitas Odontologica, 35(74), 93–102.
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