Published May 25, 2016


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Daniel Gerardo Fernández Ávila

Ángel Alberto García Peña

Oscar Mauricio Muñoz Velandia

Angélica Higuera Moreno

Álvaro Ruiz Morales

Pablo Aschner Montoya

Juan Toro

Juan Arteaga

Alonso Merchan

Gregorio Sánchez Vallejo

Yadira Villalba



Objective: To evaluate the impact of exercise
as a non-pharmacological intervention for
primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular
events in people with hypercholesterolemia.
Methods: A clinical practice guideline
was developed following the guidelines of the
methodological guidance of the Ministry of
Health and Social Protection to collect systematically
the evidence and make recommendations
using the GRADE methodology. Results: Both
aerobic and resistance exercise are associated
with decreased LDL cholesterol and triglycerides,
changes were statistically significant, but
these changes are not clinically relevant since it
is a minimal reduction in these values. No statistically
significant change was found in HDL
cholesterol values. Conclusions: Recommendations
for the use of exercise as a fundamental
part of the treatment of hypercholesterolemia are
formulated. Although no clinically significant
differences in the values of cholesterol or triglycerides,
exercise is an activity with great benefits
for the patient in other clinical domains of interest,
being part of healthy lifestyles and exposure
to low risk, so when you consider the risks and
benefits of this practice, the benefits are clear and
far outweigh the low risk to which a person is
exposed when performing an exercise routine as
part of their daily lives.


hipercolesterolemia, lípidos, tratamiento, ejerciciohypercholesterolemia, lipids, treatment, exercise

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How to Cite
Fernández Ávila, D. G., García Peña, Ángel A., Muñoz Velandia, O. M., Higuera Moreno, A., Ruiz Morales, Álvaro, Aschner Montoya, P., Toro, J., Arteaga, J., Merchan, A., Sánchez Vallejo, G., & Villalba, Y. (2016). Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention, Early Detection, Diagnosis, Treatment and Monitoring of Dyslipidemia: Non-pharmacological Treatment with Exercise. Universitas Medica, 57(1), 34–43.
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