
Original Articles

Short Reviews

Ethylotherapy in the Emergency Service. A Review of the Literature

Rafael Gustavo Castellanos Garzon, Hernando Andrés Olaya, Alberto Adolfo Vides Velásquez, Catalina Rodríguez Prada

What Recent Advances are there in the Understanding, Diagnosis and Treatment of von Willebrand Disease? A Literature Review

Catherin Vanessa Tovar Sánchez, Alexander Salazar Reviakina, José Alejandro Rumbo Romero, Maria Manuela Sierra Bretón, Ithzayana Madariaga Perpiñán, Ignacio Manuel Zarante Montoya


Acute Kidney Injury Secondary to Lonomia envenomation. Case Report and Literature Review

Daniel Martin Arsanios, Elias Quintero, Nicolás David Santoyo Sarmiento, Alvaro German Arteaga Erazo, Maria José Olaya, Alejandra Perilla, Alirio Bastidas Goyes

Case Reports

Non Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema as a Complication of Overdose by Heroine Consumption. Case Report

Catalina Rodriguez Prada, Camilo Andrés Jiménez, Juan Carlos Jaimes Gélvez, Mario Andrés Enciso Castro, Onofre Casa Castro, Jorge Andrés Suárez Agudelo, Danilo Salazar