Concepciones de profesores sobre retroalimentación: una revisión de la literatura
El artículo presenta una revisión de investigaciones empíricas sobre concepciones de retroalimentación de profesores en distintos niveles educativos. Para ello, se analizaron los resultados de trece estudios que fueron seleccionados entre sesenta y ocho investigaciones publicadas entre 2000 y 2015. Mediante un análisis documental, se establecieron categorías que compilaron aspectos comunes y diferencias en los estudios. Los resultados del análisis permitieron establecer tres tipos de concepciones: corrección, elogio y mejora proyectiva. Se espera que esta revisión contribuya a la comprensión de las prácticas de retroalimentación de profesores y a reducir el déficit de literatura sobre retroalimentación en el mundo hispanoparlante.
Feedback, research, teachers, evaluationRetroalimentación, investigación, docentes, evaluación
Adcroft, Andy & Willis, Robert (2013). Do those who benefit the Most Need it the Least? A Four-Year Experiment in Enquiry-Based Feedback. As- sessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 38 (7), 803-815.
Agius, Natalie M. & Wilkinson, Ann (2014). Students' and Teachers' Views of Written Feedback at Undergraduate Level: A Literature Review. Nurse Education Today, 34 (4), 552-559. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2013.07.005
Akkuzu, Nalan (2014). The Role of Different Types of Feedback in the Reci- procal Interaction of Teaching Performance and Self-efficacy Belief. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39 (3), 37-66. Disponible en:
Anderson, Kenneth; Benson, Cathy & Lynch, Tony (2001). Feedback on Writing: Attitudes and Uptake. Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, 11, 1-20. Disponible en:
Atkinson, Doug & Lim, Siew Leng (2013). Improving Assessment Processes in Higher Education: Student and Teacher Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Rubric Embedded in a LMS [Learning Management System]. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, AJET, 29 (5), 651-666. Disponible en:
Auld, Glenn; Ridgway, Avis & Williams, Judy (2013). Digital Oral Feedback on Written Assignments as Professional Learning for Teacher Educators: A Collaborative Self-Study. Studying Teacher Education, 9 (1), 31-44. Disponible en:
Bailey, Richard & Garner, Mark (2010). Is the Feedback in Higher Education Assessment worth the Paper it is Written On? Teachers' Reflections on their Practices. Teaching in Higher Education, 15 (2), 187-198. doi: 10.1080/13562511003620019. Disponible en:'_reflections_on_their_practices
Barney, Sebastian; Khurum, Mahvish; Petersen, Kai; Unterkalmsteiner, Michael & Jabangwe, Ronald (2012). Improving Students with Rubric-Based Self-Assessment and Oral Feedback. IEEE Tran- sactions on Education, ToE, 55 (3), 319-325.
Beaumont, Chris; O’Doherty, Michelle & Shannon, Lee (2011). Reconceptualising Assessment Feedback: A Key to Improving Student Lear- ning? Studies in Higher Education, 36 (6), 671-687. doi: 10.1080/03075071003731135. Disponible en: innovation-in-psychology/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2013/11/2011_improving_assessment_feedback_dialogic_model.pdf
Bianchini, Stefano (2014). Feedback Effects of Teaching Quality Assessment: Macro and Micro Evidence. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (3), 380-394.
Biggs, John & Tang, Catherine (2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. New York: The Society for Research into Higher Education, SRHE & Open University Press. Disponible en: Quality-Learning-at-University.pdf
Black, Paul & Wiliam, Dylan (1998). Assessment and Classroom Learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5 (1), 7-74. Disponible en: http://www.tandfonline. com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0969595980050102. Disponible en: handle/2086/10245?show=full
Blair, Alasdair; Wyburn-Powell, Alun; Goodwin, Mark & Shields, Sam (2014). Can Dialogue Help to Improve Feedback on Examinations? Studies in Higher Education, 39 (6), 1039-1054. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2013.777404. Disponible en: 10245?show=full
Bloxham, Sue & Campbell, Liz (2010). Generating Dialogue in Assessment Feedback: Exploring the Use of Interactive Cover Sheets. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35 (3), 291-300. Disponible en: ham-2010.pdf
Boud, David & Molloy, Elizabeth (2013). Rethinking Models of Feedback for Learning: the Challenge of Design. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 38 (6), 698-712. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2012.691462. Disponible en: 2602938.2012.691462
Brown, Gavin T. L.; Harris, Lois R. & Harnett, Jennifer (2012). Teacher Beliefs about Feedback within an Assessment for Learning Environment: Endorsement of Improved Learning over Student Well-Being. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28 (7), 968-978. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2012.05.003. Dispo- nible en: Teacher_beliefs_about_feedback_within_an_Assessment_for_Learning_environment_Endorsement_of_improved_learning_over_student_ well-being
Buhagiar, Michael A. (2013). Mathematics Student Teachers' Views on Tutor Feedback during Teaching Practice. European Journal of Teacher Education, 36 (1), 55-67.
Burnett, Paul C. & Mandel, Valerie (2010). Praise and Feedback in the Primary Classroom: Teachers' and Students' Perspectives. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology, 10, 145-154.
Butler, Ruth (1988). Enhancing and Undermining In- trinsic Motivation: The Effects of Task-Involving and Ego-Involving Evaluation on Interest and Involvement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 58 (1), 1-14.
Carless, David (2006). Differing Perceptions in the Feedback Process. Studies in Higher Education, 31 (2), 219-233. doi: 10.1080/03075070600572132. Disponible en: htm_files/Carless2006.pdf
Carless, David; Salter, Diane; Yang, Min & Lam, Joy (2011). Developing Sustainable Feedback Practices. Studies in Higher Education, 36 (4), 395- 407. Disponible en:
Carr, Wilfred (1999). Una teoría para la educación. Hacia una investigación educativa crítica. Madrid: Morata.
Cathcart, Abby; Greer, Dominique A. & Neale, Larry (2014). Learner-Focused Evaluation Cycles: Facilitating Learning Using Feedforward, Concurrent and Feedback Evaluation. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (7), 790- 802. Disponible en:
Chen, Ching-Huei; Chung, Min-Yu & Wu, Wen-Chi (2013). The Effects of Faded Prompts and Feed-back on College Students' Reflective Writing Skills. Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 22 (4), 571-583.
Cohen, Andrew D. & Cavalcanti, Marilda C. (2009). Giving and Getting Feedback on Composition: A Comparison of Teacher and Student Verbal Report. Evaluation & Research in Education, 1 (2), 63-73. Disponible en:
Cotner, Sehoya H.; Fall, Bruce A.; Wick, Susan M.; Walker, John D. & Baepler, Paul M. (2008). Rapid Feedback Assessment Methods: Can We Improve Engagement and Preparation for Exams in Large-Enrollment Courses? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17 (5), 437-443. Disponible en:
Crooks, Terence J. (1988). The Impact of Classroom Evaluation Practices on Students. Review of Educational Research, 58 (4), 438-481. Disponible en: i m p _1988.pdf
Davis, Gary E. & McGowen, Mercedes A. (2007). Formative Feedback and the Mindful Teaching of Mathematics. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, ASMJ, 21 (1), 19-30. Disponible en:
Debuse, Justin C. W.; Lawley, Meredith & Shibl, Rania (2008). Educators' Perceptions of Automated Feedback Systems. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 24 (4), 374-386. Disponible en: ad?doi=
Devi, Vasudha; Mandal, Tatiyana; Kodidela, Sunita & Pallath, Vinod (2012). Integrating Students' Reflection-in-Learning and Examination Performance as a Method for Providing Educational Feedback. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 58 (4), 270-274. Disponible en: http://www.jpg-;year=2012;volume=58;issue=4;spage=270;epage=274;aulast=Devi
DiBattista, David; Mitterer, John O. & Gosse, Leanne (2004). Acceptance by Undergraduates of the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique for Multiple-Choice Testing. Teaching in Higher Edu- cation, 9 (1), 17-28.
Diggelen, Migchiel van; Brok, Perry den & Beijaard, Douwe (2013). Teachers' Use of a Self-Assessment Procedure: the Role of Criteria, Stan- dards, Feedback and Reflection. Teachers and Teaching, 19 (2), 115-134.
Dixon, Helen & Haigh, Mavis (2009). Changing Mathematics Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment and Feedback. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers' Professional Development, 13 (2), 173-186. doi: 10.1080/13664530903044002
Dowden, Tony; Pittaway, Sharon; Yost, Helen & Mc- Carthy, Robin (2013). Students' Perceptions of Written Feedback in Teacher Education: Ideally Feedback is a Continuing Two-Way Communication that Encourages Progress. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 38 (3), 349-362. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2011.632676
Draper, Stephen W. (2009). What Are Learners Actually Regulating when Given Feedback? British Journal of Educational Technology, BJET, 40 (2), 306-315.
Dube, Cecilia; Kane, Sandra & Lear, Miriam (2012). The Effectiveness of Students Redrafting Continuous Assessment Tasks: the Pivotal Role of Tutors and Feedback. Perspectives in Education, 30 (3), 50-59.
Duijnhouwer, Hendrien; Prins, Frans J. & Stokking, Karel M. (2010). Progress Feedback Effects on Stu- dents' Writing Mastery Goal, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, and Performance. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 16 (1), 53-74.
Elashri, Ismail Ibrahim Elshirbini Abdel Fattah (2013). The Impact of the Direct Teacher Feedback Strategy on the EFL [English as a Foreign Language] Secondary Stage Students' Writing Performance. Disponible en:
Ellery, Karen (2008). Assessment for Learning: A Case Study Using Feedback Effectively in an Essay-Style Test. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 33 (4), 421-429.
Entwistle, Noel (2000). Promoting Deep Learning through Teaching and Assessment: Conceptual Frameworks and Educational Contexts. Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Research Programm [TLRP] Conference, Leicester. Disponible en:
Etkina, Eugenia (2000). Weekly Reports: A Two-Way Feedback Tool. Science Education, 84 (5), 594-605. Disponible en:
Evans, Carol (2013). Making Sense of Assessment Feedback in Higher Education. Review of Educational Research, 83 (1), 70-120. doi:10.3102/0034654312474350. Disponible en:
Fletcher, Richard B.; Meyer, Luanna H.; Anderson, Helen; Johnston, Patricia & Rees, Malcolm (2012). Faculty and Students Conceptions of Assessment in Higher Education. Higher Education, 64 (1), 119-133.
Gabelica, Catherine; Bossche, Piet van den; Segers, Mien & Gijselaers, Wim (2012). Feedback, a Powerful Lever in Teams: A Review. Educational Research Review, 7, 123-144. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2011.11.003
Gibbs, Graham & Simpson, Claire (2009). Condiciones para una evaluación continuada favorecedora del aprendizaje. Barcelona: Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona, ICE y Ediciones OCTAEDRO, S.L., Colección Cuadernos de Docencia Universitaria 13. Disponible en:
Grainger, Peter; Purnell, Ken & Zipf, Reyna (2008). Judging Quality through Substantive Conversations between Markers. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 33 (2), 133-142.
Guasch, Teresa; Espasa, Anna; Álvarez, Ibis M. & Kirschner, Paul A. (2013). Effects of Feedback on Collaborative Writing in an Online Learning Environment. Distance Education, 34 (3), 324-338.
Gulikers, Judith T. M.; Bastiaens, Theo J.; Kirschner, Paul & Kester, Lies- beth (2006). Relations between Student Perceptions of Assessment Authenticity, Study Approaches and Learning Outcome. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 32, 381-400. Disponible en: and_learning_outcome
Handley, Karen & Williams, Lindsay (2011). From Copying to Learning: Using Exemplars to Engage Students with Assessment Criteria and Feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 36 (1), 95-118.
Hargreaves, Eleanore (2013). Inquiring into Children's Experiences of Teacher Feedback: Reconceptualising Assessment for Learning. Oxford Review of Education, 39 (2), 229-246. Disponible en:
Harman, Kerry & McDowell, Liz (2011). Assessment Talk in Design: the Multiple Purposes of Assessment in Higher Education. Teaching in Higher Education, 16 (1), 41-52. doi:10.1080/13562517.2010.507309
Harris, Lois; Irving, S. Earl & Peterson, Elizabeth (2008). Secondary Teachers' Conceptions of the Purpose of Assessment and Feedback. Paper presented to the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference December 2008, Brisbane, Australia. Disponible en:
Harrison, Christine (2013). Collaborative Action Research as a Tool for Generating Formative Feedback on Teachers' Classroom Assessment Practice: the KREST Project. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Prac- tice, 19 (2), 202-213, doi: 10.1080/13540602.2013.741839
Harrison, Christopher J.; Könings, Karen D.; Schuwirth, Lambert; Wass, Valerie & Vleuten, Cees van der (2015). Barriers to the Uptake and Use of Feedback in the Context of Summative Assessment. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 20 (1), 229-245. doi: 10.1007/s10459-014-9524-6
Hattie, John & Timperley, Helen (2007). The Power of Feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77 (1), 81-112. Disponible en:
Havnes, Anton; Smith, Kari; Dysthe, Olga & Ludvigsen, Kristine (2012). Formative Assessment and Feedback: Making Learning Visible. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 38, 21-27.
Hendry, Graham D.; Bromberger, Nikki & Armstrong, Susan (2011). Constructive Guidance and Feedback for Learning: the Usefulness of Exemplars, Marking Sheets and Different Types of Feedback in a First Year Law Subject. Assessment & Evalua- tion in Higher Education, 36 (1), 1-11. Texto disponible en:
Jiao, Hui & Brown, Natalie (2012). Providing the Right Feedback to the Right Students: Applying an Innovative E-Assessment System in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, AAEE, 3-5 December 2012, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, 1-9. Disponible en:
Jodaie, Mina; Branch, Tabriz; Farrokhi, Farahman & Zoghi, Masoud (2011). A Comparative Study of EFL [English as a Foreign Language] Teachers' and Intermediate High School Students' Perceptions of Written Corrective Feedback on Gram- matical Errors. English Language Teaching, 4 (4), 36-48. doi:10.5539/elt.v4n4p36. Disponible en:
Jonsson, Anders (2013). Facilitating Productive Use of Feedback in Higher Education. Active Learning in Higher Education, 14 (1), 63-76. Disponible en:
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Li, Jinrui & Barnard, Roger (2011). Academic Tutors' Beliefs about and Practices of Giving Feedback on Students' Written Assignments: A New Zea- land Case Study. Assessing Writing, 16, 137-148. Disponible en:
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Malau-Aduli, Bunmi S.; Assenheimer, Dwight; Choi- Lundberg, Derek & Zimitat, Craig (2014). Using Computer-Based Technology to Improve Feedback to Staff and Students on MCQ Assessments. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51 (5), 510-522.
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Nelson, Melissa M. & Schunn, Christian D. (2009). The Nature of Feedback: How Different Types of Peer Feedback Affect Writing Performance. Instructional Science, 37 (4), 375-401. Disponible en:
Nicol, David (2010). From Monologue to Dialogue: Improving Written Feedback Processes in Mass Higher Education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35 (5), 501-517. Disponible en:
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