Published Dec 15, 2016


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Pablo López-Alfaro

Francisco Osorio-González

Verónica Gallegos-Araya

María Dolores Cáceres-Cadena



This article discusses the factorial structure of the dimensions of leadership, collective efficacy and teacher expectations, as well as the estimation of the mediating effect of collective efficacy between the dimensions of leadership and teacher expectations. 587 teachers from 32 public elementary and secondary schools in Bogota participated in the study. The study was developed using exploratory factor analyzes, and also structural equations for the validity of the causal model were applied. Results show the positive effect of leadership and the mediating role from collective efficacy towards educational expectations.


Flexible training, curricular structure, undergraduate program in psychology, skillsLiderazgo, eficacia de la educación, investigación, docente

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How to Cite
López-Alfaro, P., Osorio-González, F., Gallegos-Araya, V., & Cáceres-Cadena, M. D. (2016). School Leadership and Collective Efficacy in Public Schools in Bogotá. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 9(18), 67–84.