Published Mar 9, 2021


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Leonor Camargo-Uribe

Eliana Martínez-Mora



This article provides a path to involve the students in environments for inquiry in which they will explore, conjecture, justify and communicate their findings, by solving problems of geometric construction aided by GeoGebra. We used the methodology of “experiment design” with 10-12 years old students in order to start up the path and evaluate how effective it is. We concluded that the challenge to Foster such environment goes beyond the problem situation design. It requires a change in the classroom culture, being fostered mostly by the teacher in order to create a collective participation space.


Ambiente de la clase, aprendizaje, educación básica, geometría, igualdad de oportunidadesClassroom environment, learning, equal opportunity, geometry, basic education

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How to Cite
Camargo-Uribe, L., & Martínez-Mora, E. (2021). Construction of Triangles, a Resource to Foster an Inquiry Environment. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 14, 1–24.