Published Oct 16, 2018


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Ivette Hernández-Santibañez



This article explores the construction of an activist academic identity as a critical-reflective third space. A third space is pivotal to re-devise an activist academic identity beyond an asymmetric relationship with the subaltern. The situated affinity and solidarity policies will redirect such relationship, which fades the division between theoretical knowledge and empirical knowledge on and thanks to the social movements. This paper reflects on the emergence of an activist academic identity as a third space based on the study of the Chilean student movement. It also addresses the potentials, limitations and challenges to this identity as a collective transformation practice.


Identity, social movement, social sciences, third space, activismIdentidad, movimiento social, ciencias sociales, tercer espacio, activismo

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How to Cite
Hernández-Santibañez, I. (2018). A Critical-Reflective Third Space: On the Activist Academic Identity. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 11(22), 99–112.