Published Feb 1, 2022


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Ibis Marlene Álvarez-Valdivia

Mar Morón-Velasco



This article highlights the learning opportunities that link the cultural heritage of students of immigrant origin through an art based curriculum. Future teachers doing their internships in primary schools in Catalonia (Spain) participated in the research through an educational action-research model, in which a disadvantaged social composition prevailed. Results provided an interdisciplinary and inclusive methodology of education through the arts that promoted the development of fundamental competencies for learning. We suggested ideas to consider during teacher’s development programs.


Education, arts, immigrants, inclusive education, primary education, cultural heritageEducación, artes, inmigrante, estudiantes en riesgo de exclusión, enseñanza primaria, patrimonio cultural, educación inclusiva

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How to Cite
Álvarez-Valdivia, I. M., & Morón-Velasco, M. (2022). Educating through Arts in a Multicultural School. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 15, 1–23.
Dossier Migration, a global social phenomenon with educational implications