Published Jun 1, 2009

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Javier González García



Four female teachers, under the same task of discussion, assume different goals that will influence the group construction of diverse strategies in the making- information process. For this aim: (i) We come up with some categories of analysis, from an observation instrument. (ii) We offer the description of diverse didactic sequences. (iii) We analyze and compare the evolution of the interaction strategies displayed.
The joint analysis of categories offers a very useful difference between two learning strategies that are key for short story reading objectives: recovery and comprehension.


Cognitive processes, teaching, student teachingProcesos cognitivos, pedagogía, prácticas de la enseñanzaProcessos cognitivos, Pedagogia, Praticas de ensinoProcesos cognitivos, pedagogía, prácticas de la enseñanza

How to Cite
González García, J. (2009). A shared reading of short stories: an experience in Spain and Mexico. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(2). Retrieved from