Published Jun 1, 2009

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Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez



Our starting point is university’s social responsibility, many times assessed using indicators of applicability. We are warning the danger it entails for education in general, if we do not take as departure point the very same meaning of university and education, namely, if we do not start from their own identities. We suggest, thus, to retake the discussion around humanist education in education processes, for which we analyze very briefly Letter on humanism by Martin Heidegger; Rules for the human park by Peter Sloterdijk; The University without condition by Jacques Derrida and Cultivating humanity by Martha Nussbaum. 


Social responsibility, critical pedagogy, science and civilizationResponsabilidad social, pedagogía crítica, ciencia y civilizaciónResponsabilidade Social, Pedagogia crítica, Ciência e civilizaçãoResponsabilidad social, pedagogía crítica, ciencia y civilización

How to Cite
Hoyos Vásquez, G. (2009). Education for a new humanism. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(2). Retrieved from