Published Jun 1, 2011


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Analía Claudia Chiecher



The paper describes a didactical experience which involved the implementation of an “e-activity” with university students who traditionally received classroom-based educations. The 91 students from three subjects who participated were organized in 27 groups for the “e-activity”. Afterwards, through a group interview, students were asked for their preference regarding group or individual tasks. The results show the difficulties perceived by the students during the “eactivity”, the learning they achieved, and their preferences for group work or individual tasks of this type.


Higher Education, Educational Technology, Multimedia Instruction, Computer Assisted Instruction, Activity Learning, Group Instruction, Group CommunicationEnseignement supérieur, technologie de l'éducation, enseignement multimédias, enseignement assisté par ordinateur, apprentissage par l'action, enseignement de groupe, communication en groupeEnsino superior, tecnologia educacional, multimédia instrução, Instrução assistida por computador, atividade de aprendizagem, aulas em grupo, grupo de comunicaçãoEnseñanza superior, tecnología educacional, enseñanza multimedia, enseñanza asistida por ordenador, aprendizaje activo, enseñanza en grupo, comunicación en grupo

How to Cite
Chiecher, A. C. (2011). Group Tasks in Virtual Environments. Perceived Difficulties and Learning Achieved by university Students. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 3(6).