Published Mar 31, 2024


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Jesús José Rodríguez de Luque



This study of academic resilience does not inquire into the heterogeneous links between a strong academic performance and variables in the school environment of students of the low and medium-high Socio-Economic Level (NSE in Spanish), since it has exclusively focused on the students of the lower level.

With the aim of filling that gap, this investigation employed multi-level logistical models of a heterogeneous choice, based on a representative sampling of students in the 11th grade in Bogotá. It found that a strong performance in reading was associated with diverse characteristics of the environment of the school and that those links were not affected by the NSE.


Academic achievement, peer relationship, student teacher relationship, educational environment, academic resilienceRendimiento académico, relaciones entre pares, relación profesor-alumno, ambiente educacional, resiliencia académica

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How to Cite
Rodríguez de Luque, J. J. (2024). The links between a strong academic performance and the environment of schools in Bogotá. Are there differences which are due to the socio-economic level of the student body?. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 17, 1–24.