Published Dec 1, 2008

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F. Javier Murillo Torrecilla



Multilevel models, or hierarchic-lineal models, are one of the most interesting models generated in recent years in quantitative research analysis methodologies. This article aims to present these models through their application in research. In this manner, the study presents an analysis of the foundations for multilevel models. The modeling process is analyzed in a real-life sample, concluding with a reflection about the contributions and utilities of this methodology of analysis.


Educational Research, Scientific Methodology, Educational Efficiency, Statistical analysisInvestigación pedagógica, metodología científica, efectividad de la educación, análisis estadísticoPesquisa Pedagógica, Metodologia Científica, Eficiência da Educação, análise EstadísticoInvestigación pedagógica, metodología científica, efectividad de la educación, análisis estadístico

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How to Cite
Murillo Torrecilla, F. J. (2008). Multilevel Models as a Tool for Research in Education. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(1). Retrieved from