Published Feb 20, 2021


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Zita Carolina Bendahan Álvarez

Diana Escobar Jiménez

María Andreina Campo Soto

Lai Lani Arrieta González

María Inés Lemos Torres

Jacqueline Garzón Rodríguez

Nathaly Chavarría Bolaños

Mónica Liliana Cárdenas Lancheros

Thais Casanova Colina

Norma Constanza O’Meara Tovar

Paola Escobar Ocampo



Background: Since the 1970s, the World Health Organization has defined four-handed dentistry as a simplified method with defined tasks within the work team. It has been mainly implemented in clinics and universities in Brazil, the United States, Spain, and Chile. The comprehensive adult dental clinic (Sixth semester) and the pediatric dental clinic (Seventh and Eighth semesters) of the pre-doctoral dental program at El Bosque University’ Dental School (Bogotá, Colombia) use this method. However, theory on four-handed dentistry has not been included in the curriculum yet. Purpose: To explore and describe the influence of the four-handed method in the training of general dentists in order to justify its inclusion in the predoctoral curriculum. Methods: A search of articles was carried out until June 2020. Full-text selected articles were analyzed, and findings related to this study’s purpose were included in the review. Results: 13 articles were chosen. Findings are organized in three thematic axes: background and general aspects of the technique, benefits of the technique in the training of general dentists, and description of the four-handed care model as an exercise in the pediatric dental clinics, also called Growth and Development clinics, at El Bosque University. Conclusions: Patient care using a four-handed method can contribute to the development of soft skills, critical thinking, problem solving through collaborative work, and promoting meaningful learning in students.


educação em odontologia, estudantes de odontologia, faculdades de odontologia, odontologia, trabalho a quatro mãosdental education, dental schools, dental students, dentistry, four-handed dentistryeducación en odontología, estudiantes de odontología, facultades de odontología, odontología, odontología a cuatro manos

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How to Cite
Bendahan Álvarez, Z. C., Escobar Jiménez, D., Campo Soto, M. A., Arrieta González, L. L., Lemos Torres, M. I., Garzón Rodríguez, J., Chavarría Bolaños, N., Cárdenas Lancheros, M. L., Casanova Colina, T., O’Meara Tovar, N. C., & Escobar Ocampo, P. (2021). Four-Handed Technique in Dental Education: Integrative Review. Universitas Odontologica, 40.
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