Published Jun 30, 2014

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Carolina Téllez Conti

Lina María Escobar Márquez

María Clara González Carrera

Paola del Socorro Moreno Arias

Íngrid Isabel Mora Díaz

Gloria Rocío Bautista Mendoza

Andrea del Pilar Rojas



Background: The presence of two or more craniofacial abnormalities may be associated with developmental syndromes and/or genetic defects. Identifying minor and major anomalies helps early detection, referrals to a specialist, and diagnosis of malformations of congenital origin. Purpose: To design, test, and validate an instrument to detect minor and major clinical craniofacial anomalies that may be associated with congenital conditions. Methods: A descriptive pilot study was carried out with a sample of 34 5-to-17-year-old schoolchildren (21 girls and 13 boys). Photographs and craniofacial anthropometric measurements were taken and variables were analyzed descriptively. Results: Findings showed one schoolchild with major abnormality (cleft lip and palate) macrocephaly (35%), microcephaly (17%), mesoprosopic (8.82%), euryprosopic (5.88%), leptoprosopic (85.29%), hair distribution abnormalities (67%), facial asymmetries (76%), narrow forehead (44%), metopic depression (one child), eye abnormalities such as epicanthal folds (26%), nose abnormalities (11%), ear abnormalities (64%), preauricular appendix (one child), mo and data analysisfrequency anduth abnormalities (35%), and tooth anomalies (58%). Conclusion: The instrument of this study was designed for massive application in communities and should be complemented with genotype analysis in cases with two or more minor abnormalities or other relevant findings.

craniofacial anomalies; anthropometric; measurements; systemic; conditions; congenital

How to Cite
Téllez Conti, C., Escobar Márquez, L. M., González Carrera, M. C., Moreno Arias, P. del S., Mora Díaz, Íngrid I., Bautista Mendoza, G. R., & Rojas, A. del P. (2014). Clinical Detection of Major and Minor Craniofacial Abnormalities in Colombian School Population. Universitas Odontologica, 33(70). Retrieved from
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