Geology and Land Sciences

Bioinformatics and modeling


Environmental and cultured cyanobacteria as sources of Aedes aegypti larvicides

Farja I Ayala, Laura M Becerra, Jairo Quintana, Lina M Bayona, Freddy A Ramos, Mónica Puyana, Fredy Duque, Leonardo Castellanos

Physics of Materials

Structural and optical study of alternating layers of In and GaAs prepared by magnetron sputtering

Santiago Torres-Jaramillo, Camilo Pulzara-Mora, Roberto Bernal-Correa, Miguel Venegas de la Cerda, Salvador Gallardo-Hernández, Máximo López-López, Álvaro Pulzara-Mora


Neutron Density Calculation Using the Generalised Adams-Bashforth-Moulton Method

Daniel Suescun-Díaz, Diego A Rasero-Causil, Jaime H Lozano-Parada

Mathematics and Statistics

Multidisciplinary sciences

Food Chemistry

Evaluation of two sample preparation methods for the determination of cadmium, nickel and lead in natural foods by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

David Romero-Estévez, Gabriela S Yánez-Jácome, Karina Simbaña-Farinango, Pamela Y Vélez-Terreros, Hugo Navarrete