Published Sep 15, 2009

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Gabriel Jaime Perez S.J.



By examining the concept of human dignity, on which human rights are basically acknowledged, we discuss issues both directly and indirectly related to social communications in the Declaration of the Rights of Man. In this context, we then discuss the relation established between ethics and communications, taking ethic purpose or intent as a point of reference, and then proceed to examine in more detail the concept of social justice, which in turn implies the notion of participatory equity. In the latter, we find the heart of the relationship between ethics and communications, understood as a relationship in which everyone is recognized as an interlocutor with the right to express him/her-self from his/her own social and cultural identity.


Dignity, Ethic purpose of intent, Veracity, Freedom, Justice as participatory equityDignidade, Intencionalidade ética, Veracidade, Liberdade, Justiça como equidade participativaDignidad, Intencionalidad ética, Veracidad, Libertad, Justicia como equidad participativa

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How to Cite
Perez S.J., G. J. (2009). Ethics and Communications from a Human Rights Perspective. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(55), 50–65. Retrieved from

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