Displasia cleidocraneal: presentación de un caso
may 25, 2016
La displasia cleidocraneal es una displasia esquelética de herencia autosómica
dominante caracterizada por anomalías craneales, claviculares y dentales, causada por mutaciones o deleciones en el gen RUNX2. Se presenta el caso de una niña de 6,5 años que acude remitida por un retraso en el cierre de la fontanela anterior y en la osificación de la pelvis, en quien se realiza el diagnóstico por hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos.
Cleidocranial dysplasia, calvicle, radiology, skeletal dysplasiadisplasia cleidocraneal, clavícula, radiología, displasia esquelética
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6. Northup JK, Matalon R, Lockhart LH,
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7. Cohen MM Jr. Biology of RUNX2 and
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8. Zheng Q, Sebald E, Zhou G, Chen Y,
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9. Baek JE, Choi JY, Kim JE. Skeletal
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10. Olley R, Xavier GM, Seppala M, Volponi
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regulating successional tooth formation
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11. Chen CP, Lin SP, Liu YP, Chern SR, Wu
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detected by aCGH in an 8-year-old girl
with cleidocranial dysplasia and developmental
delay. Gene. 2013;523(1):99-102.
12. Roberts T, Stephen L, Beighton P. Cleidocranial
dysplasia: a review of the dental,
historical, and practical implications with
an overview of the South African experience.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol
Oral Radiol. 2013;115(1):46-55.
13. Currall V, Clancy R, Dimond D, Amirfeyz
R, Kershaw C, Gargan M. Cleidocranial
dysplasia. Current Orthopaedics.
14. Karaguzel G, Aktürk FA, Okur E, Gümele
HR, Gedik Y, Okten A. Cleidocranial
dysplasia: a case report. J Clin Res Pediatr
Endocrinol. 2010;2(3):134-6.
15. Gomleksiz C, Arslan E, Arslan S, Pusat
S, Arslan EA. Delayed diagnosis of cleidocranial
dysplasia in an adult: a case report.
Acta Med Acad. 2014;43(1):92-6.
16. El-Gharbawy AH, Peeden JN Jr, Lachman
RS, Graham JM Jr, Moore SR,Rimoin DL. Severe cleidocranial dysplasia
and hypophosphatasia in a child
with microdeletion of the C-terminal
region of RUNX2. Am J Med Genet A.
17. Shen Z, Zou CC, Yang RW, Zhao ZY.
Cleidocranial dysplasia: report of 3 cases
and literature review. Clin Pediatr (Phila).
18. Wang J, Huang X, Lai C, Jiang K. Clinical
spectrum of cleidocranial dysplasia
in a family with twins. Pediatr Int.
ribs, and pelvic girdle. En: Stevenson
RE, Hall JG, editors. Human malformations
and related anomalies. Oxford:
Oxford University Press; 2006. p. 806-7.
2. Briggs MD, Bell PA, Pirog KA. The
utility of mouse models to provide information
regarding the pathomolecular
mechanisms in human genetic skeletal diseases:
The emerging role of endoplasmic
reticulum stress (Review). Int J Mol Med.
3. Kumar P. Skeletal malformations. En:
Kumar P, Barbara B, editors. Congenital
malformations. Oxford: Oxford University
Press; 2008. p. 806-7.
4. Orioli IM, Castilla EE, Barbosa-Neto JG.
The birth prevalence rates for the skeletal
dysplasias. J Med Genet. 1986;23(4):328-
5. Mundlos S. Cleidocranial dysplasia: clinical
and molecular genetics. J Med Genet.
1999. 36(3):177-82.
6. Northup JK, Matalon R, Lockhart LH,
Hawkins JC, Velagaleti GV. A complex
chromosome rearrangement, der(6)ins(6)
(p21.1q25.3q27)inv(6)(p25.3q27), in a
child with cleidocranial dysplasia. Eur J
Med Genet. 2011;54(4):e394-8.
7. Cohen MM Jr. Biology of RUNX2 and
cleidocranial dysplasia. J Craniofac Surg.
8. Zheng Q, Sebald E, Zhou G, Chen Y,
Wilcox W, Lee B, Krakow D. Dysregulation
of chondrogenesis in human cleidocranial
dysplasia. Am J Hum Genet.
9. Baek JE, Choi JY, Kim JE. Skeletal
analysis and differential gene expression
in Runx2/Osterix double heterozygous
embryos. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
10. Olley R, Xavier GM, Seppala M, Volponi
AA, Geoghegan F, Sharpe PT, Cobourne
MT. Expression analysis of candidate genes
regulating successional tooth formation
in the human embryo. Front Physiol.
11. Chen CP, Lin SP, Liu YP, Chern SR, Wu
PS, Chen YT, et al. 6p21.2-p12.3 deletion
detected by aCGH in an 8-year-old girl
with cleidocranial dysplasia and developmental
delay. Gene. 2013;523(1):99-102.
12. Roberts T, Stephen L, Beighton P. Cleidocranial
dysplasia: a review of the dental,
historical, and practical implications with
an overview of the South African experience.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol
Oral Radiol. 2013;115(1):46-55.
13. Currall V, Clancy R, Dimond D, Amirfeyz
R, Kershaw C, Gargan M. Cleidocranial
dysplasia. Current Orthopaedics.
14. Karaguzel G, Aktürk FA, Okur E, Gümele
HR, Gedik Y, Okten A. Cleidocranial
dysplasia: a case report. J Clin Res Pediatr
Endocrinol. 2010;2(3):134-6.
15. Gomleksiz C, Arslan E, Arslan S, Pusat
S, Arslan EA. Delayed diagnosis of cleidocranial
dysplasia in an adult: a case report.
Acta Med Acad. 2014;43(1):92-6.
16. El-Gharbawy AH, Peeden JN Jr, Lachman
RS, Graham JM Jr, Moore SR,Rimoin DL. Severe cleidocranial dysplasia
and hypophosphatasia in a child
with microdeletion of the C-terminal
region of RUNX2. Am J Med Genet A.
17. Shen Z, Zou CC, Yang RW, Zhao ZY.
Cleidocranial dysplasia: report of 3 cases
and literature review. Clin Pediatr (Phila).
18. Wang J, Huang X, Lai C, Jiang K. Clinical
spectrum of cleidocranial dysplasia
in a family with twins. Pediatr Int.
Cómo citar
Ortega, R. I., & Suárez Obando, F. (2016). Displasia cleidocraneal: presentación de un caso. Universitas Medica, 57(1), 115–122. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.umed57-1.dcpc
Reportes de caso