Published Dec 10, 2009


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Saulo Molina

Diana Alejandra Alfonso



Fetal death syndrome is one third of all fetal and infant mortality by over 50% of all perinatal deaths in developed countries. The causes of fetal death are rarely reported and most of them are unknown. This article intends to review and to understand the pathophysiology of the entity, to assess risk factors and to try to give our patients the possibility of a successful pregnancy.

A review the literature was made according to the PubMed database, EBSCO, Proquest and Ovid from 2000 to 2008.

Despite the significant decrease in fetal deaths in the last decades, fetal death syndrome remains a serious public health problem not only because it is a prevalent condition, but by underreporting and the lack of reliable reporting


Fetal death, fetal demise, stillbirth, Muerte fetal anteparto, óbito fetal, mortalidad perinatal,

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How to Cite
Molina, S., & Alfonso, D. A. (2009). Fetal death syndrome: could it be prevented?. Universitas Medica, 51(1), 59–73.