Published May 25, 2016


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Fernando Suárez Obando

Carlos Gómez Restrepo

Jhon Jairo Camacho Sánchez

Ana Maria De La Hoz Bradford

Álvaro Ruiz Morales

Patricia Maldonado Rivera

Pilar López



Introduction: In response to the necessity of concise,
accurate and practical information to support
clinical decision making, the Colombian government,
in partnership with universities and scientific
societies, has heavily invested in the development
of clinical practice guidelines (CPG). Objectives:
To develop a Web portal for the dissemination and
communication of CPG and its clinical recommendations.
Methodology: Development of the Colombian
GPC web portal based on the principles
of adult learning, learning development in medicine
based on the Web and improvement of web
development for medical education, using various
informatic tools. Results: A Web portal that fulfills
the purpose of disseminating the recommendations
of the GPC, using various alternatives for the presentation
of content, as well as to create channels
of communication between developers and users of
the CPG Portal.


guías de práctica clínica, diseminación de información, internet, comunicación, servicios de informaciónpractice guidelines, information dissemination, internet, communication, information services

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How to Cite
Suárez Obando, F., Gómez Restrepo, C., Camacho Sánchez, J. J., De La Hoz Bradford, A. M., Ruiz Morales, Álvaro, Maldonado Rivera, P., & López, P. (2016). Portal of Clinical Practice Guidelines: Digital Strategy for the Dissemination of Clinical Practice Guidelines Developed in Colombia. Universitas Medica, 57(1), 44–57.
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