Published Feb 6, 2017


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Jhon Jairo Quiñonez

Danny Luz Peña

Carolina Salas

Yolanda Torres



To determine family and personal
factors associated disorder alcohol abuse in Colombian adolescents 13 to 17 years. Methods:
A cross-sectional association study was performed from the database of the study Status
of adolescent mental health, Colombia 2003,
where a probability sample of 1520 adolescents, using the CIDI instrument for the diagnosis of alcohol abuse disorder. We estimated
the association with family and personal factors
via the chi-square test of independence, analysis of associated factors was performed using
the odds ratio to observe the magnitude and statistical significance. Finally, in order to identify
the variables that best explain the probability
of abusing alcohol, a binary logistic regression
was performed, which also allowed control for
possible confounding variables. Results: Five
hundred teenagers 13 to 17 years met criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse disorder
sometime in their life. Be between 15 and 17
years, smoking, being male and having had a
recent breakup, personal factors were found to
be associated with alcohol abuse in Colombian
adolescents. Discussion: The findings are consistent with other studies in similar populations.
Conclusions: Family factors included in this
study no association was found with either. As
for the family, the larger association were age
and cigarette smoking.


adolescents, abuse, alcohol, mental disorder, Colombia, risk factorsadolescente, abuso, alcohol, trastorno mental, Colombia, factores de riesgo.

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How to Cite
Quiñonez, J. J., Peña, D. L., Salas, C., & Torres, Y. (2017). Individual and Family Factors for Alcohol Abuse in Colombian Adolescents Ages 13 to 17. Universitas Medica, 57(3), 307–322.
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