Published Apr 2, 2020


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Carolina Delgado Domìnguez

Adriana Rodríguez Barraza

Roberto Lagunes Còrdoba

Francisco Domingo Vázquez Martínez



Introduction: In Mexico there is a lack of knowledge about the importance of promotion of psychological well-being in Medical Education. Most of the research focuses on the pathologies developed during his journey as a student in relation to the adverse environments they face. Objective: To identify the level of psychological well-being in medical residents from first to fourth year of a public university in Mexico and the need for its inclusion in the formal curriculum in Medical Education. Method: Descriptive and cross sectional study. The Ryff Psychological Wellbeing Scale (SPWS) was used which was previously validated in the study population. 157 first to fourth year residents of the different specialties participated. Results: The scale was made up of four factors. It was found that 35.1% had low levels and 33.7% average levels of psychological well-being. Conclusions: Most of the residents showed levels of medium and low psychological well-being, which make reference to the relevant decision made by the corresponding authorities that include the promotion of psychological well-being within the formal curriculum of Medical Education.


Bienestar psicológico, médicos residentes, especialidad médica, educación médica.Psychological wellbeing, resident physicians, medical specialty, medical education.

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How to Cite
Delgado Domìnguez, C., Rodríguez Barraza, A., Còrdoba, R. L., & Vázquez Martínez, F. D. (2020). Psychological Well-Being of Medical Residents of a Public University in Mexico. Universitas Medica, 61(2).
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