Published Nov 13, 2020


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Diana Marcela Osorio Roa, MSc

Estefanía Montoya Cobo, MSc

Germán Darío Isaza Gómez, MSc



The current conditions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have limited the development of traditional education, considerably increasing the use of technological platforms, leading current education to a methodology supported by digital media. The objective of the study allowed to describe the perception of the students of the II semester of medicine at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali) on the transition from a face-to-face modality to one supported by digital media during the time of the pandemic. The methodology was oriented from a mixed approach, where the descriptive design and a comprehensive design were articulated, built from quantitative and qualitative data processed in the SPSS Statics and Nvivo programs. A questionnaire was conducted with 82 students through which the perception regarding the difficulties, opportunities and feelings that the learning supported by digital media has left them was identified. The COVID-19 pandemic left a social challenge for humanity. At the educational level, it marked a before and after, it modified all educational processes, not only from teaching but also from learning, modifying academic spaces, learning rhythms, study times, leading education to reinvent and empower new educational experiences.


Covid-19, education, medicine, perceptionCovid-19, educación, medicina, percepción

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How to Cite
Osorio Roa, D. M., Montoya Cobo, E., & Isaza Gómez, G. D. (2020). Perception of the Second Semester Students of the Medical Career at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali before the Transition from a Face-to-Face Modality to One Supported by Digital Media during the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Universitas Medica, 61(4).
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