Published Sep 25, 2012


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Bárbara Yadira García Sánchez


A new field in education research has emerged over the past decades, with topics that describe school violence as a problem that concerns parents, teachers and policy makers. this emergence may be explained in two different ways: it might be due to social research on education making visible an existing problem which before did not need attention as it was culturally accepted, or it may have come to the attention of scholars as the changes of the 1990s made the problems more complex and the traditional strategies in education and pedagogy became insufficient to approach the worlds of schools, children and youth. We think the second possibility is the more likely, and we consider it not a local phenomenon but a global manifestation of social discomfort that is present in families, at school and in social environments. People are getting involved in new relation logics and conflict situations that frequently are resolved through violent relations...
How to Cite
García Sánchez, B. Y. (2012). Editorial. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 4(8).