Published Dec 6, 2017


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Antonio Valle-Arias

Bibiana Regueiro-Fernández

Natalia Suárez-Fernández

José Carlos Núñez-Pérez

Pedro Rosário

Irene Pan-López



The main objective of this article was to analyze the relationship between work approach, homework involvement and ac­ademic performance in mathematics. 897 students from 5th and 6th grades partici­pated (50.2% boys and 49.8% girls). Re­sults indicate that the higher the academic achievement, the greater the focus on do­ing a homework, the greater the number of homeworks done and the better use of time. However, the time students spend doing a homework is greater when their academic performance is low or medium. Educational implications are discussed.


Homework, study processes, involvement, mathematics, primary educationDeberes escolares, procesos de estudio, implicación, matemáticas, enseñanza primaria

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How to Cite
Valle-Arias, A., Regueiro-Fernández, B., Suárez-Fernández, N., Núñez-Pérez, J. C., Rosário, P., & Pan-López, I. (2017). Academic Performance, Work Approaches and Homework Involvement. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 10(20), 123–142.