Published Oct 16, 2018


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María Paz Sandín-Esteban



This paper addresses the connection between the empirical endeavor and the role of the theory in the qualitative research. Two researches on the academic persistence processes in students of migrant-background families are provided. National and international reports are provided as well as the results from previous researches showing that these students are twice likely to drop out the school system. The study cases conducted on a theory-driven basis are drawn upon to show the use of quantitative and qualitative instruments blended into a sequential mixed design and to illustrate some qualitative information analyses.


Study case, qualitative analysis, immigration, network analysis, school success, resiliencyEstudio de caso, análisis cualitativo, inmigración, análisis de redes, éxito escolar, resiliencia

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How to Cite
Sandín-Esteban, M. P. (2018). Theory-Driven Study Cases: Immigration and School Success. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 11(22), 57–74.