Published Aug 31, 2021


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Lorena Fernandez-Fastuca



Thesis supervision is a pillar of postgraduate education. We analyzed the supervisor-thesis relationship investigating the reasons that may lead to its discontinuity from the perspective of both parties. A descriptive quantitative study was made, based on an ad hoc designed survey, which was applied to a non-representative sample of 1607 thesis supervisors and thesis students from universities in Argentina. Results indicated that 58% of thesis supervisors discontinued their relationship. Some reasons they provided were: Insufficient dedication of the student and insufficient following of the recommendations. For thesis students, the central reason was the supervisor’s lack of support.


Posgrado, relación profesor-alumno, tesis, tutoríaPostgraduate courses, student teacher relationship, theses, mentoring

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How to Cite
Fernandez-Fastuca, L. (2021). Why do Supervisors and Thesis Students Decide to Discontinue the Pedagogical Relationship?. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 14, 1–26.