Published Dec 1, 2008

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Gloria Calvo

Marina Camargo Abello

Clelia Pineda Báez



This article reviews the state of educational and pedagogical research in preschool, basic, and middle school education in Bogotá in 2000-2004. This article also discusses research conducted by teachers during the period analyzed. It conceptualizes what pedagogical research is and how it differs from educational research in terms of subjects, methods, and results. This discussion illustrates the struggle to recognize that educators also produce knowledge and do not simply implement practices proposed by professionals in educational research.


Pedagogic Research, Preschool Education, Bogotá – Colombia – 2000- 2004 – Investigations, Project ReportsInvestigación pedagógica, educación preescolar investigaciones (Bogotá -Colombia, 2000-2004), Informes de proyectoInvestigación pedagógica, educación preescolar investigaciones (Bogotá -Colombia, 2000-2004), Informes de proyectoPesquisa Pedagógica, Educação Pré-escolar – Bogotá (Colômbia) – 2000-2004 – Pesquisas, Reporte do Projeto

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How to Cite
Calvo, G., Camargo Abello, M., & Pineda Báez, C. (2008). Educational Research or Pedagogic Research? The Case of Research in the Capital District. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(1). Retrieved from