Published Jun 1, 2009

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Elizabeth Narváez Cardona

Sonia Cadena Castillo

Beatriz Elena Calle



This paper focuses on the reflection about the way the work was planned and developed with two written documents, with the purpose of influencing the teachers’ belief that it is not their responsibility to look after reading at the university. The paper is organized in four moments: The first one justifies the training proposal;the second one characterizes it;the third one makes the emerging facts visible at the work with the two reading documents and, finally, some elements of the discussion are proposed. The transformation of the institutions ‑towards academic practices with reading‑ goes through the necessary education of teachers teams.


teaching practice, secondary teacher education, college teachers, readingPráctica pedagógica, formación de docentes de secundaria, profesores universitarios, lecturaPratica pedagogica, Formação de professores de secundária, Professores universitários, LeituraPráctica pedagógica, formación de docentes de secundaria, profesores universitarios, lectura

How to Cite
Narváez Cardona, E., Cadena Castillo, S., & Calle, B. E. (2009). An academic reading practice in a training experience of university teachers. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(2). Retrieved from