Published Aug 2, 2023


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Úrsula Bravo

Inés Dussel



The use of walls in the classroom forms part of pedagogical practices which are deeply rooted but hardly questioned. This research article discusses the changes in these practices which took place during the emergency remote teaching (ERT) practiced by twenty teachers from eight primary schools in Chile during the pandemic. We made a qualitative study, sensitive to ethnographic aspects, which included interviews and inventories of the digital material created by the teachers. The results show that the teachers tended to focus on the transfer of information while the interactions they said they valued were suspended. An inquiry into the shifts towards digital technology may lead to a better understanding of the links between face-to-face and virtual education.


Pandemics, Teachers, Primary Schools, Teaching Materials, Educational TechnologyPandemia, docente, escuela primaria, material didáctico, tecnología educacional

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How to Cite
Bravo, Úrsula, & Dussel, I. (2023). The Missing Wall. Ruptures and Displacements of the Classroom during the Pandemi. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 16, 1–29.
Exploring the ICT's role in education in time of pandemic: experiences, analysis and case studies