Published Jun 26, 2024


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Hugo Parra-Sandoval

Marielsa Ortiz-Flores

Yannett Arteaga-Quevedo

Yaneth Ríos-García



In the face of the need to study those who train teachers, we present the results of an investigation whose aim was to detect trends, contributions and the demands of knowledge in investigations of these trainers, drawing on articles published in Ibero-American publications focused on the didactics of Languages, Mathematics and the Natural Sciences. Employing a state of the art approach, the article presents an in-depth discussion of the knowledge and comprehension found in the professional identity of the trainer, who articulates educational theories and practices and builds bridges between the academy and the school. On the basis of this inquiry, we recommend that there should be a more profound understanding of the nature, knowledge and formation of the trainer and that the investigation of his or her work should go beyond the university ambit and reach to his or her role as teacher, mentor or peer of other professionals.


Teacher educators, teacher education, literature reviews, students-teachersFormador de docentes, formación de docentes, estudio bibliográfico, estudiante-profesor

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How to Cite
Parra-Sandoval, H., Ortiz-Flores , M., Arteaga-Quevedo, Y., & Ríos-García, Y. (2024). The Trainers of Teachers of Languages, Mathematics and Natural Sciences In Ibero-America. State of the Art. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 17, 1–26.