Published Dec 31, 2012


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Ana Maria Falcão de Aragão



Reflexivity is made for discussions that seek to theoretically making everyday decisions. However, frequent questions that come before these considerations are: What is science? How can you say that teachers' practices are based from the theoretical and methodological approach? Searching the theoretical foundation of what we're doing in a training-research projectat a public school, meant to raise awareness about what psychological or educational theoryfed our decision-making: a knowledge that was scientific, based on the authors' theoretical systems with whom we share principles and assumptions to support our daily practices. This article is the result of reflection on educationa lresearch project


Science, Reflexivity Teacher, School-Based TrainingCiência, reflexividade docente, formação centrada na escolaScience, réflexivité de l'enseignant, formation centrée à l'écoleCiência, reflexividade docente, formação centrada na escolaCiencia, reflexividad docente, formación centrada en la escuela, Ciência, reflexividade docente, formação centrada na escola

How to Cite
Falcão de Aragão, A. M. (2012). Ciência e reflexividade: considerações a partir de um projeto formativo-investigativo. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 5(10).