What Other Skills Should Have Teachers of Immigrant Students?
This research article resulting from the project Development of specific competences of teachers and support staff to achieve the integration of immigrant students, started in the academic year 2008/09, on the skills required from the teachers working with immigrant students in stages ofearly childhood in Primary Education. It raised a questionnaire with 35 items related to: Awareness, Attitude, Skills and Knowledge and Skills. Also featured open questions on satisfaction levels, training expectations, personal situation, of respondents. The conclusions noted the lack of preparation of teachers to work with immigrant students and their willingness to improve their educational practice.
Skills Development, Elementary School Teachers, Multicultural Education, Professional CompetenceDéveloppement des compétences, enseignants de l'éducation de base, l'éducation interculturelle, la compétence professionnelleDesarrollo de las habilidades, profesores de educación básica, educación intercultural, competencia profesionalProfessorado, corpo discente imigrante, educação infantil, educação primária, competências, educação intercultural