Publicado Nov 19, 2020


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Ruth Barley



Drawing on research findings from a longitudinal ethnography exploring difference, identity and peer friendships this paper reveals how children actively negotiated their participation
in the study via writing both in terms of “writing as data collection“ and “writing as analysis.”

The paper explores the ways in which children actively sought to participate in the research study through producing their own visual and written data, analysing this data and reflecting on the written research outputs. Actively participating in this study gave children opportunities to reflect on their literacy learning and consolidate the learning that took place within the formal school context.

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Como Citar
Barley, R. (2020). “Why have you not written my name?:” Collaborative research with children. Revista Internacional De Pesquisa Em Educacao, 13, 1–21.
Dossier Ethnography and education: Collaborative studies with children and youth