Published Jan 31, 2018


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Juan Martín Pesántez Alvarado

Julián Danilo Camacho Ladino

Adriana Rodríguez Ciódaro

Sandra Patricia Camacho

Ana Lucía Sarralde Delgado

Diego Ernesto Castro Haiek

Juliana González Moncada



Background: The oral surgery specialty requires theoretical knowledge and surgical ability to perform treatments. During the learning process, students would face difficulties that could cause involuntary harm to patients. Despite complying with protocols, there is a possibility that unfavorable events may occur during patient care. For this reason, it is necessary to characterize and analyze events in institutions such as dental schools to provide a better quality of dental health care. Purpose: To analyze the unfavorable events that occurred in the surgical area of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Dental School from Bogota Colombia. Methods: In this descriptive observational study, all clinical records of patients seen between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2015 were evaluated to identify and analyze surgery-related adverse events. Results: 74 out of 1062 clinical records (7 %) included reports of unfavorable events. 41 (56 %) of them were identified as complications, 22 (30 %) as cases of unsafe care, and 11 (14 %) as adverse events. Nine (82 %) were preventable and two (18 %) non-preventable and all were associated with extractions. Conclusion: Adverse events in the surgical area had a low frequency and were related to dental extractions. To reduce the risk of these events, it is necessary to carry out pre-surgical planning, to meticulously fill out the clinical records and, in case of finding any type of event, report it.


healthcare management, oral surgery, healthcare, oral surgery complication, oral surgery mistake, adverse event, patient safetyadministración en salud, cirugía oral, atención en salud, complicación en cirugía oral, error en cirugía oral, evento adverso, seguridad del pacientegestão de saúde, cirurgia oral, cuidados de saúde, complicação da cirurgia oral, erro de cirurgia oral, evento adverso, segurança do paciente

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How to Cite
Pesántez Alvarado, J. M., Camacho Ladino, J. D., Rodríguez Ciódaro, A., Camacho, S. P., Sarralde Delgado, A. L., Castro Haiek, D. E., & González Moncada, J. (2018). Analysis of Unfavorable Events related to Oral Surgery Care. Universitas Odontologica, 36(77).
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