Published Mar 8, 2010


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José Arturo Bríñez

Silvio Velásquez

Juan Daniel Gómez



Working memory is a neuro-behavioral system in which short- and long-term memory, spatial orientation, some executive functions, social adaptation, complex cognitive tasks, and academic achievements participate. All of these have been utilized in aging cognitive changes studies.


aging, learning, spatial working memory, Wistar rats, cognitive deterioration, envejecimiento, aprendizaje, memoria de trabajo espacial, ratas Wistar, deterioro cognitivo,

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How to Cite
Bríñez, J. A., Velásquez, S., & Gómez, J. D. (2010). Cognitive deterioration and aging: There is no evidence of working memory progressive deterioration, age dependent, in Wistar rats. Universitas Medica, 51(2), 120–142.
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