Published Aug 2, 2010


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Germán Alberto Hernández

Pedro Luis Cárdenas



We describe a case of abdominal liposuction with unilateral visual loss post surgery, without simtoms. The Angiogram image diagnostic confirm optic ischemic neuropathy.

The review include characteristics and treatment of this unfrecuent pathology. Ischemic neuropathy is not a rare disease, and association with esthetic procedures is important.


neuropatía óptica isquémica, angiografía con fluoresceínaoptic ischemic neuropathy, angiogram,

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How to Cite
Hernández, G. A., & Cárdenas, P. L. (2010). Ischemic neuropathy related to abdominal liposuction. Universitas Medica, 51(3), 339–343.
Case Reports