Efficacy and safety of promestriene in the treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause in women with breast cancer
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of vaginal promestriene in women with triple-negative breast cancer who experience vulvovaginal symptoms and signs related to genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GUMS).
Materials and methods: prospective, multicenter regional, randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled study in women ≥ 45 years of age, survivors of breast cancer with triple-negative hormone receptors, symptomatic of SGUM, who consulted in three private clinics in the Coffee Region (Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío), Colombia; between 2019 and 2023. They were randomized into two groups to receive promestriene (n=77) and placebo (n=75). Follow-up was 12 months, recording satisfaction with therapy, adverse effects, vaginal health index score, and Female Sexual Function Index (IFSF). The levels of estradiol, androgens and gonadotropins were analyzed. Descriptive statistics were applied.
Results: Treatment with promestriene improved all variables of the vaginal health index, as well as the domains and total score of the IFSF. Hormone concentrations remained within the postmenopausal range. Estradiol throughout the treatment presented minimal oscillations without statistical significance. Adverse effects were mild and tolerable. Satisfaction with therapy was close to 90 %.
Conclusions: Promestriene was shown to be effective and safe for the treatment of symptoms and signs of GUM, without relevant changes in serum estradiol levels. The results support the use of promestriene in women with breast cancer who suffer from genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
Efficacy; Safety; Therapeutics; Hormone Replacement Therapy; Estradiol; Menopause.Eficacia; Seguridad; Terapéutica; Terapia de Reemplazo de Hormonas; Estradiol; Menopausia.
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