Published Sep 5, 2013


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Mercedes Olaya Contreras



Introduction: The placenta carries the same genetic information as the fetus. Inside the uterus, it does the work of several fetal organs and stores information on the vasculature of the mother and the child; it reacts against infections, and it can be compromised by maternal diseases and also by fetal injuries.

Objective: Study of the placenta can complement information on both mother and child at postpartum, and may now, surprisingly, help explain transgenerational disorders.

Conclusion: Its quick check and selection in the maternity ward define the route of placentas and, determine if an anatomopathological study is required. This paper explains how do an effective selection.


Placenta, newborn, stillborn, pathology, delivery, obstetric, placenta, recién nacido, mortinato, patología, parto,

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How to Cite
Olaya Contreras, M. (2013). What Placentas Say, but no One Wants to Hear. Universitas Medica, 55(1), 18–27.
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