Published Sep 27, 2017


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Maria Camila Barrios Martínez

Fabio Andrés Gil Maldonado

Juan Gabriel García Manriquez



Objective: To identify habits and physical activity recommendations in family medicine residents of Bogota. Methodology: Cross-sectional study with application of the survey Healthy Doctor = Healthy Patient and using questions from Doctor Characteristics and of clinical practice from Exercise is Medicine® in professionals in training in family medicine in five universities of Bogotá. Results: The total number of participants was 97 residents. They reported vigorous, moderate, and mild physical activity. Conclusions: The results evidenced in this study and compared with international literature available (UK, USA, New Zealand, and Canada) show that there is convergence on the need to train primary care physicians with sufficient skills and knowledge for the proper and objective assessment and prescription of physical activity and structure a service model in which physical activity is included within the medical history.


Physical activity, exercise, family medicineactividad física, ejercicio, medicina familiar

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How to Cite
Barrios Martínez, M. C., Gil Maldonado, F. A., & García Manriquez, J. G. (2017). Physical Activity in Bogotá Family Practice Residents and their recommendation to Patients. Universitas Medica, 58(3).
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