Published Oct 19, 2017


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Tatiana Urrea Victoria

Luis Alberto Ruíz Robles

Ana María Vanegas Monroy

Humberto Quintana Muñoz



This article shows the case of a 49-year-old woman with no medical history, developed a progressive left axial proptosis associated with ocular pain. There are no changes to visual acuity, limitation of eye movement or diplopia. The diagnostic images may suggest one of the following: pseudotumor, schwannoma, orbital cavernous hemangioma or intraconal dermoid. The resected specimen was taken via anterior transconjuntival orbitotomy. Microscopic examination of the tumor showed a neuromuscular hamartoma (benign triton tumor


Neoplasm, orbit, tumor (triton), neuromuscular, hamartoma, orbit, choristoma, benign triton tumor.neoplasia, órbita, tumor de tritón, hamartoma, neuromuscular, coristoma, tumor benigno de tritón

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How to Cite
Urrea Victoria, T., Ruíz Robles, L. A., Vanegas Monroy, A. M., & Quintana Muñoz, H. (2017). Neoplasm, orbit, tumor (triton), neuromuscular, hamartoma, orbit, choristoma, benign triton tumor. Universitas Medica, 58(4).
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