Published Feb 12, 2018


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Isabella Lince-Rivera

Gabriel Eduardo Camacho Flórez

Alexa Kunzel Gallo



Introduction: Refractive errors can have important repercussions in the performance of an individual, especially in the pediatric community. Objective: To determine the prevalence of refractive errors within a sample of 112 children between the ages of 2 and 14 from the Colegio La Candelaria in the city of Bogotá. Methods: Cross-sectional study that evaluated through visual acuity, ocular motility, ophthalmoscopy, retinoscopy, and subjective exam, the visual capacity of the children in question. Results: We found a prevalence of refractive errors of 18.8% where 13.4% represented astigmatism, 3.6% hypermetropia and 1.8% myopia. Discussion: These results were compared with those exposed on a thesis performed in 1973 by which patients with similar conditions were tested. In this study, the refractive errors were of 30.48%, a difference that can be explained by variations in population characteristics. Lastly, it arises the need of screening in other communities.


astigmatism, hypermetropia, myopia, prevalence, childrenastigmatismo, hipermetropía, miopía, prevalencia, niños.

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How to Cite
Lince-Rivera, I., Camacho Flórez, G. E., & Kunzel Gallo, A. (2018). Characterization of Refractive Errors in a Population of Children from 2 to 14 Years of Age in Bogotá, Colombia*. Universitas Medica, 59(1).
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