Published Dec 18, 2018


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Oscar Feo Lee

Sergio Ivan Ladino Patiño



The subdural empyema is a rare pathology that normally occurs secondary to another infection in the skull-facial complex, could be medial otitis or sinusitis in most of the cases, that’s why the germs associated with this pathology are normally the same found in the middle ear and paranasal sinuses. Eventually a rare microorganism causes an abscess, this is the case of this patient, who arrived to the hospital with ocular pain and rapidly progress with neurological deficit cause by a bacteria called Aggregatibacter aphrophilus. The case had a fast intervention of all the services involved, neurosurgery made an empyema drainage by burr hole, after that the patient required ventriculostomy and finally decompressive craniectomy. The objective of this review of the literature is to determine what does the evidence say about the empyema drainage by burr hole or the early use of craniectomy in this kind of patients.


craniectomy; craniotomy; subdural empyema; Aggregatibacter aphrophiluscraniectomía; craneotomía; empiema subdural; Aggregatibacter aphrophilus

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How to Cite
Feo Lee, O., & Ladino Patiño, S. I. (2018). Decompressive Craniectomy for Empyema by Aggregatibacter aphrophilus: Literature Review and Case Report. Universitas Medica, 60(1).
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