Published May 7, 2020


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Arturo Marroquín

Carlos Gómez-Restrepo

Mónica Botero-Bermúdez



Introduction: Nowadays, medical practice emphasizes towards patient-centered care models, which is consistent with the nature of the medical profession. The continuity of this model has tremendous advantages, especially in the context of a healthcare system in crisis. Considering that patients’ satisfaction is an important indicator of quality of care that depends on expectations, its evaluation may lead to a better understanding of factors that modify the perception of care. Which in turn, can lead to improvements regarding health outcomes and therefore to a reduction of costs in the long run. Purpose: Thus, a literature review was performed on the expectations of patients regarding doctors’ behavior during consult. Materials and methods: A search on PubMed, Lilacs and Embase databases was made with MeSH terms and free terms. Results: 46 articles met the stablished inclusion criteria. Based on their information, 4 key aspects on patients` expectations were defined: Trust, respect (autonomy), empathy and communication. Both quantitative and qualitative information was synthetized. Conclusions: Even though there seems to be numerous investigations on this matter, there is also a great amount of divergence. Most of the times there seemed to be certain concordance on the key aspects here defined, however, expectations vary depending on different cultural groups and their different characteristics. Thus, local investigation is required to approach to the expectations of the Colombian population.



Patient preference, Communication, Empathy, Trust, Physician-patients relationPrioridad del paciente, Comunicación, Empatía, Confianza, Relaciones Médico-Paciente

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How to Cite
Marroquín, A., Gómez-Restrepo, C., & Botero-Bermúdez, M. (2020). thematic review of patient’s expectations regarding physician’s behavior. Universitas Medica, 61(3).
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