Published Jan 18, 2021


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Samuel Martínez Vernaza

Vanessa Salej

Maria Alejandra Jaimes Reyes

Alvaro Andrés Bustamante



Singultus is a common clinical manifestation of multifactorial etiology. It works as a reflex arc against irritative noxas and is mediated by sympathetic stimulation. Among its causes it has been described that infectious processes such as pneumonia can result in singultus, however, it corresponds to a low percentage of the causes. We present a case of a hispanic 34-year-old man with history of stage 3 HIV infection that presents to emergency room with singultus with no other clinical signs, in whom the presence of pneumonia as a causative agent is demonstrated. This case highlights the importance of the study of singultus especially in patients with immunosuppression since in these patients the clinical presentation that underlies an infectious process is not usually evident.


Hiccups, pneumonia, HIVHipo, neumonía, VIH

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How to Cite
Martínez Vernaza, S., Salej, V., Jaimes Reyes, M. A., & Bustamante, A. A. (2021). Community acquired pneumonia as a result of singultus in an-HIV patient: case report and literature review. Universitas Medica, 62(1).
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