Published Mar 31, 2021


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Esther De Vries

Mauricio Velásquez

Alejandra Espejo

Felipe Navarrete

Sofìa Robledo

Mariana Salazar

Paula Baquero

Christian Buesaquillo

Laura Arango

Lina Burbano

Luis Andrade

Jose Andrés Calvache



Introduction: Euthanasia was included in the Colombian Constitution in 2014 as a measure that guarantees the right to a dignified death. Currently, this continues to be a controversial topic that generates diverse opinions and attitudes.

Objective: To explore the knowledge and attitudes that university students have about euthanasia at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and at the Universidad Del Cauca in Popayán.

Methods: Cross-sectional study with data obtained through a voluntary electronic survey on euthanasia in university students from two universities. The questionnaire contained questions on: general data, knowledge about euthanasia and opinions based on hypothetical cases.

Results: 758 students participated, 60% of them female, with a mean age of 22 years. 53% of students identified the appropriate definition of euthanasia, 77% would consider applying for euthanasia in hypothetical cases of end-stage disease. A significant proportion confused the definition of euthanasia with that of palliative care.

Conclusions: A lack of knowledge regarding the definition of euthanasia was observed and although it was accepted by most of the study population, our results indicate the need to open spaces for information and dialogue on the subject.


Eutanasia, conocimiento en salud, estudiantes, cuidado paliativo, derecho a morirEuthanasia, Health knowledge, students, palliative care, right to die

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How to Cite
De Vries, E., Velásquez, M., Espejo, A., Navarrete, F., Robledo, S., Salazar, M., Baquero, P., Buesaquillo, C., Arango, L., Burbano, L., Andrade, L., & Calvache, J. A. (2021). Knowledge about Euthanasia in University Students in Two Institutions of Higher Education in Colombia. Universitas Medica, 62(1).
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